- Italian Mother / Dutch Father
- Born in New Zealand 1975
- Speak Italian / French / German / small amounts of Dutch and Africaans
- Qualified Hairdresser and make up artist
- Events Co ordinator and Producer
- Freelance writer
- Creative Director L'Oreal NZ 2000-2006
- PR Creative and Events 2006- 2010
- Editor M2WOMAN mgazine 2010-2011
- Singing 2000 to present
- Training received from Cheryl Maclay - NZ, Lillian Bute - New Orleans, Taisha -NZ
- Invited to join the Sammy Davis Jnr school of Music by Lilian Bute 2004
- Resident at Sugar Bar, Auckland
- Resisdent at Lumsden, Auckland
- Resident at Iguacu, Auckland
- Resident at Te Atatu RSA , Auckland
- Resisdent at Billfish, Westhaven Marina, Auckland
- Resident at Skycity - Sammy's Bar, Auckland
- Performed in Sydney and Melbourne Australia
- Performed in Singapore
- Performed in Capetown South Africa
- Perfomed in Samoa
- Performed in Fiji
- Performed in Rarotonga
- Performed in Italy
- Performed in Frankfurt, Germany